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Vst.-Nr. Veranstaltung Vst.-Art Aktion
4000 Vorbereitungsseminar Praxisphase (GHR 300) - GRUNDSCHULE   -   S. Couve de Murville S. Heldt J. Hirst-Plein Dr. A. Wegner N. Reisewitz L. Kembo Seminar
4001 Vorbereitungsseminar Praxisphase (GHR 300) - RS/IGS/OS/HS   -   J. Couve de Murville M. Ed., OStR M. Bastkowski Dr. H. Mlakar D. Treichel M. Tosun M. Ullmann Dr. J. Baumgart M. Hosein-Habibi A. Koch Seminar
4028 M.Ed. 3 Literature: Impairments in Wilkie Collins's Novel Poor Miss Finch   -   Prof. Dr. phil. habil. S. Brusberg-Kiermeier Seminar
4029 M.Ed. 3 Literature: Big Brother (and Sister Too) is Watching You: Surveillance Society   -   Dr. J. Mckenzie Seminar
4030 M.Ed. 2 Linguistics - Language and Discourse in the Institutions   -   PD Dr. E. Reber Seminar
4031 M.Ed. 2 Linguistics: English through time (and space) - diachronic developments in English   -   PD Dr. M. Schilk Seminar
4032 M.Ed. 1 Didactics GS: "Classroom Management in Primary EFL Teaching"   -   Dr. J. Jakisch Seminar
4033 M.Ed. 1 Didactics HS, RS   -   Dr. H. Mlakar Seminar
4034 M.Ed. Inklusion: Challenges of Inclusive Teaching: Supporting Language Acquisition in English Classrooms   -   Prof. Dr. A. Rohde Dr. K. Schick Blockveranstaltung/Kompaktseminar
4035 M.Ed. Mastermodul: Masterseminar Didactics   -   Dr. J. Jakisch Seminar
4036 M.Ed. Mastermodul: Masterseminar Linguistics   -   PD Dr. M. Schilk Seminar
4037 M.Ed. Mastermodul: Masterseminar Literature/Culture   -   Prof. Dr. phil. habil. S. Brusberg-Kiermeier Seminar
4038 Projektband TM3: "Teaching English (with) Stories"   -   Prof. Dr. phil. habil. S. Brusberg-Kiermeier Seminar
4040 Projektband TM1:Reflective Horizons: Empowering Teacher Learning with Technology- From Video Analysis to Mixed Reality and AI   -   Dr. J. Baumgart Seminar
4044 Literaturwissenschaftliches Kolloquium für Masterstudierende, DoktorandInnen und HabilitandInnen   -   Prof. Dr. phil. habil. S. Brusberg-Kiermeier Kolloquium
4071 Begleitseminar "Praxisphase" GS   -   Dr. A. Wegner N. Reisewitz S. Couve de Murville S. Heldt J. Hirst-Plein Seminar
4072 Begleitseminar "Praxisphase" HS/RS/OS   -   J. Couve de Murville M. Ed., OStR M. Bastkowski Dr. H. Mlakar D. Treichel M. Tosun M. Ullmann Dr. J. Baumgart M. Hosein-Habibi A. Koch Seminar