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Applied Positive Psychology: A dialectical approach to the study of human strengths, emotions, and wellbeing
Is there truth to the notion that predominantly positive emotions contribute to one’s appreciation of and satisfaction with life? Or, can negative emotions and experiences be equally meaningful and conducive to proactive coping, enhanced performance, and personal growth? While psychology helps us understand what goes wrong in individuals, groups, institutions, and societies, positive psychology, the division of psychology which is concerned with the scientific study of human strengths and virtues, complements psychology’s existing knowledge base by elucidating the conditions and psychological processes which contribute to optimal functioning and flourishing. Despite the positive connotation, a binary simplification of ostensibly negative and positive phenomena is misleading. Positive psychology has evolved to better encompass the dynamic interplay between the darker and lighter sides of our character, emotions, and life experiences which shape who we are and hinder and/or contribute to flourishing. For, both are in fact ineluctably related. As such, subsequent to an introduction to the field, this experiential seminar will help participants synthesise research on first wave positive psychology (which embraces the positive, arguably desirable qualities of life) with PP 2.0, or, second wave positive psychology (which actively engages with the negative, more challenging emotions and experiences inherent to the human condition). A key aim of this seminar is to facilitate an exploration of how to apply the science of positive psychology to embrace and thrive through the ups and downs inherent to life and essential for our growth. Thus, if you wish to delve into pertinent theory, actively engage in and critically reflect on numerous research-based interventions to aptly explore, analyze, and assess potentially decisive ingredients for finding balance, the courage to overcome suffering, and promote sustainable wellbeing, you will likely find this seminar worthwhile.