1. Hans-Josef Albersmeier (Hg), Texte zur Theorie des Films. Stuttgart: Reclam 1999.
Canonical texts on film theory since the 1920s. Focus on montage theory; authors almost execlusively cis male; nevertheless: a useful introduction to get a first idea of the subjects, approaches and perspectives of film theory.
2. Malte Hagener, Thomas Elsaesser, Filmtheorie zur Einführung.
Ambitious, but accessible text. No "best of"-collection of separate texts, but an attempt to explain film theory and film via essential topics and motifs.
3. James Monaco, Film verstehen. Kunst, Technik, Sprache, Geschichte und Theorie des Films und der Neuen Medien. Hamburg: Rowohlt 2009 (English edition: Understanding Film.)
Very general introduction to film technology, film history and on film and the other arts. Only partly theory-oriented. Very useful as a source for presentations and essays which focus on the analysis of films.