Literatur |
wird projektspezifisch ausgewählt
Group 2 (Hackländer):
A) Thomson, D. M., & Tulving, E. (1970). Associative encoding and retrieval: Weak and strong cues. Journal of experimental psychology, 86, 255.
B) Nairne, J. S. (2002). The myth of the encoding-retrieval match. Memory, 10, 389-395.
Group 7 (Hackländer):
A) Radvansky, G. A., & Zacks, J. M. (2017). Event boundaries in memory and cognition. Current opinion in behavioral sciences, 17, 133-140.
B) Radvansky, G. A. (2012). Across the event horizon. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 21(4), 269-272.
Group 8 (Bogenschütz):
Hackländer, R. P., Janssen, S. M., & Bermeitinger, C. (2019). An in-depth review of the methods, findings, and theories associated with odor-evoked autobiographical memory. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26, 401-429.
Lerninhalte |
In diesem Semester werden Sie in Kleingruppen jeweils ein eigenes Experiment planen, durchführen, auswerten und schließlich darüber berichten (in Form eines wissenschaftlichen Papers sowie über ein Poster).
Group 1 (Wernicke): TBA
Group 2 (Hackländer): What allows us to successfully retrieve information from our memory? One prominent theory states that the chances of retrieval success depend on the overlap between the encoding and retrieval situations: the more cues you have at retrieval that match the encoding situation, the higher your chances of retrieving the target information. In this group we will put this theory to the test. Please make sure to sign up for the LearnWeb course and read the necessary literature (see Literatur) before the first session of the class.
Group 3 (Germar): TBA
Group 4 (Majer): Zero-sum beliefs - the belief that others’ success is inevitably accrued at the expense of oneself - has many detrimental consequences for personal well being, but also social relationship. One approach to correct these critical beliefs are meta-perceptions interventions changing what we think others think. We will figure out whether meta-perceptions are a potential lever for zero-sum beliefs and investigate the boundary conditions of such meta-perception interventions.
Group 5 (Baess): The self is special - but why? Most often the answer is because it is familiar or self-relevant. But is this all? In a matching paradigm, labels indicating different persons were mapped with geometrical shapes or faces. It turned out that the self-matching pairs were processed faster and less erroreous than the not-self-related matching pairs. This self-priorization effect in newly learned material was independent of previous knowledge. We will use this paradigm to explore the underpinnings of the self further.
Group 6 (Baess): Why are we faster when a stimulus is shown on the left side, although the position is not relevant? These observation goes back to effect of stimulus-response compatibility.Actually, we can also pay attention to more then one spatial reference frame at the time, saying that a stimulus is not just in the left side of the screen but also left within this side of the screen. We will explore further the when and how of these multiple compatibility effects.
Group 7 (Hackländer): In our research group we will be investigating the Event Horizon Model of memory. This theory is concerned with how a continuous stream of events at perception is seemingly converted to a series of discrete events in memory. We will develop an experiment to test a single hypothesis from this theory and assess the theory in light of the new evidence that we have found. Please make sure to sign up for the LearnWeb course and read the necessary literature (see Literatur) before the first session of the class.
Group 8 (Bogenschütz): Das Proust-Phänomen beschreibt, dass autobiografische Erinnerungen, die durch Gerüche ausgelöst werden, besonders emotional sind. Aber ist dies auch wirklich der Fall? Bisherige Studien haben hierzu ein uneindeutigen Bild geliefert, aber es gab bisher auch keine hohe Einigkeit in Bezug auf eine geeignete Methode der Emotionsmessung von Geruchserinnerungen. Zusammen werden wir Exerimente entwickeln und durchführen, die die Emotionalität von Gerucherinnerungen mit anderen Erinnerungen vergleichen. Hierbei werden wir verschiedene Ratingskalen und physiologische Maße heranziehen. Bitte tragt euch in das Learnweb ein und beachtet, dass ihr ein Paper vor der ersten Sitzung (siehe Literatur) lesen sollt, welches ihr im Learnweb findet.
Group 9 (Fenske): TBA