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Research indicates that female gamers make up about 50% of gamers, yet they, their interest in gaming, and skills are often not taken seriously and ridiculed, as among others the GamerGate exemplified. In this seminar, we will look at how gaming culture and gamers are depicted in popular culture and media aimed at a youth audience. As preparation, participants are asked to engage with the popular culture phenomenon surrounding Ernest Cline’s novel “Ready Player One” (2011) and its film adaptation (2018), Cory Doctorow and Jen Wang’s graphic novel “In Real Life” (2014), Brittney Morris’s young adult novel “Slay” (2020), and a small selection of secondary literature. In presentations, participants will each engage with and share their discussion of an additional text (film, novel, game, etc.) relating to the seminar topic. Based on these different examples of youth media, we will analyse the depiction of gamers, critically discussing and moving beyond Player One, the white male gamer, toward Player Two, the female gamer (Chess, 2017), and a potential Player Three. |