Literatur |
Alheit, P. (1993): Die Ambivalenz von Bildung in modernen Gesellschaften: Strukturprinzip kumulativer Ungleichheit oder Potential biographischer Handlungsautonomie? In: Päda-gogische Rundschau 47, S. 53-67.
Ferro, L; Wagner, E; Veloso, L; IJdens, T; Lopes, J.T (2019). Arts and Cultural Education in a World of Diversity. Springer. Heinicke, J. (2022): „Kultur als Sustainable Development Goal? Das Vermögen der Kulturellen Bildung und der Auftrag der Kulturpolitik für eine verantwortungsvolle Welt(bürgerschaft).“ In: Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung e. V. (BKJ) (Hg.): Kulturelle Bildung im Spiegel der SDG. Magazin 22.
Heinicke, J./Lohbeck, K. (Hg.) (2020): Elfenbeinturm oder Kultur für Alle? Kulturpolitische Per-spektiven und künstlerische Formate zwischen Kulturinstitutionen und Kultureller Bildung. München.
Howard, F (2022). Global Perspectives on Youth Arts Programs: How and Why the Arts Can Make a Difference. Bristol University Press.
Keuchel, S./Zirfas, J. (Hg.) (2022): Normativität in der Kulturellen Bildung. München.
Walther, A./Batsleer, J./Loncle, P./Pohl, A. (Hg.) (2019): The Struggle of Participation and Young People. Contested Practices, Power and Pedagogies in Public Spaces. London.
Krisch, R./Schröer, W. (Hg.) (2020): Entgrenzte Jugend – Entgrenzte Jugendarbeit. Wein-heim. Strahl, B./Van Breda, A./Mann-Feder, V./Schröer, W. (2020): A multinational comparison of care-leaving policy and legislation. In: Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 1-16. |
Lerninhalte |
The Seminar languages are German and English.
This course delves into the intersection of cultural (self-) education, youth rights, and inclusivity, exploring theoretical frameworks and practical strategies for promoting cultural rights and fostering cultural self-sufficiency among young people. Drawing on insights from the KuSe research Project, interdisciplinary perspectives, and working within informal education settings and cultural institutions, the course equips students with the knowledge and skills to critically analyse cultural education access and practices, advocate for policy change, and empower youth to exercise their rights within the context of sustainable development goals. The course is offered over two semesters with a focus on the theoretical aspects and practical training in Winter 2024 and an practice project with the Project partners in Summer 2025. The course is going to be held with students and collegues (Pro. Schröer and Vera Lemke) from the department of Social and organizational Pedagogy (FB1).