Lerninhalte |
“Each year, hundreds of artists and culture workers are threatened for pursuing their ideas of social change. Repression and persecution can take the form of violent attacks, censorship, criminal charges, harassment, imprisonment, loss of employment, and physical threats (to self, family, neighbors or co-workers).” (freeDimensional, Creative Safe Haven Advo-kit) Due the manifold social imbalances in many regions of the globe actors in Latin America, Africa, the Arab region, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Asia are committed to civil liberties and freedom of expression, in particular for cultural workers and journalists, see their work in clear reference to free and democratic transformation processes. As a reaction to this UN created the position of a special rapporteur on cultural rights to name and reflect the global situation by following the aim to define structures and frameworks to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions. The course will provide knowledge of the three levels theory, politics and practice and their interrelations with each other and aims to discuss different positions along the question of what freedom of arts is, where freedoms need to be protected and promoted and how this can be done. |