Gruppe 1 (Imamovic): Analysing Evaluative Expressions in English: Appraisal Theory and Manual Annotation
This seminar will introduce you to Discourse Analysis in English, focusing on the linguistic phenomenon of evaluation. Evaluation refers to the ways speakers and writers express their opinions, attitudes and emotions. The approaches we will use to analyse evaluation in text are: a) theoretical (using Appraisal Theory) and b) practical (doing Manual Annotation). We will work with original English TED Talk transcripts and online film reviews to analyse different types of speaker/writer attitude, polarity (positive; negative) and intensity. In the course, you will learn how to annotate and compare different texts and observe statistical differences. The manual annotation task will require consulting a manual annotatation scheme and using a specialised software that you will learn to use. Furthermore, we will compare evaluations in original English texts to translated German texts, focusing on the strategies used to translate evaluation. The course will equip you with the theoretical background of Appraisal Theory and its practical application in Discourse Analysis and Translation Studies. At the end of the course, you will make a presentation (PowerPoint) and do a project (written report) that you will be graded for. The project will consist of evaluation analysis in English texts of your choice. For example, a comparison of texts of different genres (scientific articles VS popular science articles); English originals VS German translations). You will present your project and later write a report on it. The required materials for this course will be uploaded on Learnweb by the instructor.
Gruppe 2 (Lapshinova): Contrasting English and German through Corpora
In this course, we will cover different aspects of corpus-based analysis regarding systemic and textual contrasts between English and German, i.e. comparing these two languages on various linguistic levels with the help of linguistic corpora. Our special focus will lie on lexico-grammatical, semantic, syntactic and pragmatic phenomena that might cause difficulties in the translation process. We will also learn about possibilities to use corpora and further resources to search for these phenomenal and to extract them from linguistic corpora. Corpus linguistics offers a broad spectrum of methodologies for contrastive linguistics and translation. The application of corpus resources will be illustrated with selected research questions relevant to the comparison of languages and to translation studies. We will see how issues related to language contrasts and translation can be solved with corpus-based methods. The course will provide theoretical insights as well as practical experience. Students will work on small projects on a selected topic (team work is possible).The topics of the projects will include differences between English and German, as well as differences in original texts and translations (translation strategies). We will work much with electronic resources.
The course materials are available in the Learnweb.