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Histories of Philosophy and Thought in Korean Language (Buch / Monographie / Herausgeberschaft) - Einzelansicht

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Titel der Arbeit (title) Histories of Philosophy and Thought in Korean Language
Erscheinungsjahr 2023
Verlag (publisher) Universitätsverlag Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag
Seitenzahl (pages) 162
Band (volume) 1/2
Serie (series) Histories of Philosophies in Global Perspectives
Publikationsart Buch / Monographie / Herausgeberschaft
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.18442/hpgp-i-2

In retrospect, historiography of philosophy and thought in
the Korean language extends back to the 8th century. This bibliography offers a
comprehensive guide to this relatively long time span with complex
developments. Using thematic and regional categories, it attempts to
demonstrate the whole landscape of Korean scholarship on histories of
philosophy and thought.

The introductory text offers a chronological reconstruction
of the history of philosophical historiography in Korea, filling the gap between
the premodern and modern discourses. It focuses mainly on two aspects: 1) The
modern transformation of the traditional Korean historiographical knowledge and
method, developed and cultivated by Confucian and Buddhist scholars. 2) The
diversification of philosophical historiography after this process of
globalization and methodical transformation, resulting in an own representation
of the world history of philosophy.

The case of Korea is especially interesting because it
produced ist own versions of history despite drastically changing hegemonic
constellations. It provides an excellent example of alternative histories of
philosophy, written at the periphery of Eurocentric and Sinocentric order.


Beteiligte Personen

Park, Sool, Professor Dr. phil.  




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Histories of Philosophies in Global Perspectives

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