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DEMO - Developing Modernized Curricula on Immigrants' and Refugees' Lives - Einzelansicht

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Titel DEMO - Developing Modernized Curricula on Immigrants' and Refugees' Lives Antragsdatum
Titel (englisch) Personenmonate
Laufzeit von 15.10.2017 freigegeben J
Laufzeit bis 14.10.2020 Hyperlink
Bewilligungsdatum Projektart Forschungsprojekt
Kostenträgernummer Änderungsdatum 15.10.2020 14:15:47



The aim of DEMO is to increase the attention towards migrants' lives in academic training in applied social professions such as teachers, counselors, social workers, psychologists in Israel; develop knowledge about migrants' lives and integrate their voices into study programs of these professions in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and in the general social discourse. We propose to achieve these aims by the development, implementation and dissemination of jointly developed  innovative courses on the lives of migrants and refugees.

DEMO is funding by EU Commission in the funding line Erasmus+, KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Capacity Building in Higher Education.



Zusammenarbeit Extern

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
University of Trier, Germany
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Vilnius University, Lithuania
University of Thessaly, Greece
Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Israel
Gordon Academic College Haifa, Israel
The College of Sakhnin, Israel
The Ruppin Academic Center, Israel

Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen

FB 1 - Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaften
Inst. für Sozial- und Organisationspädagogik

Autoren/Betreuer (intern)

Schröer, Wolfgang, Professor Dr.   (Leitung)   


Geldgeber/-in Förderprogramm Fkennziffer Freitext Fördersumme Einheit Laufzeit von Laufzeit bis
Europäische Kommission Erasmus+ - KA2 - Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education 70.784,00 EUR 15.10.2017 14.10.2020

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