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Zugehörige Publikationen für Fachbereich:   Abt. Angewandte Informatik

Details ansehen zu: Abt. Angewandte Informatik

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Activity Theory and Context-Awareness
A Pipeline for Extracting Multi-Modal Markers for Meaning in Lectures
A Work Context Perspective on Mixed-Initiative Intelligent Systems
Blending SFL and Activity Theory to Model Communication and Artefact Use - Examples from Human-Computer Interaction
CAKE - Distributed Environments for Context-Aware Systems
CASi - A Generic Context Awareness Simulator for Ambient Systems
Closed Doors - Modelling Intention in Behavioural Interfaces
Cross-Device Interaction: A Definition, Taxonomy and Application
Designing Explanation Aware Systems: The Quest for Explanation Patterns
Die Interactive School Wall - eine be-greifbare Schnittstelle zum Network Environment for Multimedia Objects
Explanation Awareness and Ambient Intelligence as Social Technologies
Explanation Awareness and Ambient Intelligence as Social Technologies
Explanation Goals in Case-Based Reasoning
Explanation in Case-Based Reasoning - Perspectives and Goals
Explanations and Case-Based Reasoning in Ambient Intelligent Systems
Explanations and Context in Ambient Intelligent Systems
Explanations and Privacy in Intelligent Social Awareness Applications
Explanatory Capabilities in the CREEK Knowledge-Intensive Case-Based Reasoner
Extended abstract: Modelling explanation-aware ambient intelligent systems with problem frames
FACE - a Knowledge-Intensive Case-Based Architecture for Context-Aware Services
Goals and Kinds of Explanations in Case-Based Reasoning
HCP-2008 Proceedings, Part II, MRC 2008 - Fifth International Workshop on Modelling and Reasoning in Context
How About a MATe for Awareness in Teams?
It's Magic: SourceMage GNU/Linux as HPC Cluster OS
Knowing What to Explain and When
Kooperativ lernen mit multimedialen Objekten und körper- und raumbezogenen Schnittstellen
Kritische Informatik - Versuch einer Begriffsbildung
LADI - Location-Aware Cross-Device Integration
Lazy Disclosure - Mixing Cloud and Local Storage
Making Use of Abstract Concepts - Systemic-Functional Linguistics and Ambient Intelligence
Mapping Goals and Kinds of Explanations to the Knowledge Containers of Case-Based Reasoning Systems
Mental Models of Ambient Systems: A Modular Research Framework
Mental Models of Disappearing Systems: Challenges for a Better Understanding
Modelling Behaviour Semantically
Modelling Context for Emotion Recognition During Literary Text Reading
Modelling with Problem Frames: Explanations and Context in Ambient Intelligent Systems
Multi-modal Markers for Meaning: using behavioural, acoustic and textual cues for automatic, context dependent summarization of lectures
Needing and Wanting in Academic Lectures: Profiling the academic lecture across context
NEMO - The Network Environment for Multimedia Objects
PapAR - Interacting with Multimedia on Paper
Preface Proceedings of MRC 2010
Preface Special Issue
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning and Context Awareness (CaCoA 2008)
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Modeling and Reasoning in Context (MRC 2007)
Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Modelling and Reasoning in Context (MRC 2016)
Proceedings of the international workshop on human-centred and cognitive approaches to case-based reasoning (HCCA-CBR 2011)
Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Modelling and Reasoning in Context (MRC 2017)
Proceedings of the Seventh International workshop Explanation-aware Computing (ExaCt 2012)
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Modelling and Reasoning in Context (MRC 2011)
Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Modelling and Reasoning in Context (MRC 2010)
Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Modelling and Reasoning in Context (MRC 2018)
Proxies for Privacy in Ambient Systems
Report on the 2007 Workshop on Modeling and Reasoning in Context
Special issue: Modelling and Reasoning on Context
Start Making Sense: Systemic Functional Linguistics and Ambient Intelligence
Steps Towards a System for Inferring the Interruptibility Status of Knowledge Workers
Supporting Students Through Notifications About Importance in Academic Lectures
To be or not to be Aware: Reducing Interruptions in Pervasive Awareness Systems
Understanding Importance in Context: multi-modal markers for context dependent information extraction
Unscharfe Methoden zur Analyse individuenorientierter Simulationsmodelle in der Epidemiologie
User Aspects of Explanation Aware CBR Systems
User Aspects of Situated CBR Systems
Using Activity Theory to Model Context Awareness
Using Activity Theory to Model Context Awareness: a Qualitative Case Study
Visualisierung persönlicher Wissensstrukturen mit PKM-Vision
What have they been up to in Lübeck recently?
Zum Subjekt der Veränderung
Zum Verhältnis der Informatik zu anderen Fachdisziplinen
Zwischen Vision und Machbarkeit
Zwischen Vision und Machbarkeit
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