Bemerkung |
Introduction (online): 4/22/2023, SAT. 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Block seminar (in person): 7/01/2023, SAT. 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 7/02/2023, SUN. 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 7/08/2023, SAT. 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
1. Every theme can be taken by max. two students.
2. A presentation, max. 25 min (usage of ChatGPT with prompt, power point presentation,prezi, etc. are welcome).
3. Active participation and engagement.
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The Chinese economy has been growing rapidly in a very short period, from one of thepoorest countries in the world to one of the most important economic superpowers. Thegoal of this seminar is to understand and evaluate this rapid development, and to be able tomake realistic predictions about where the Chinese economy is headed. This seminarencompasses four parts: 1) The first part studies the historic background that forming theattitude of the Chinese toward the West; 2) The second part investigates the eternaldiscussion: whether China needs the modern Western Democracy? 3) The third partexamines the interplay between China, Taiwan, US and Europe by studying the key industry,and 4) the final part analyses whether China a chance or risk for the West is.
I. Background study 1. Modern Chinese history (Qing dynasty, 1632 – 1912, till today) 2. Chinese Attitude toward the West: Mistrust, admiration, complexity 3. European, American viewpoint toward the Chinese attitude
II. China and Western democracy 4. Does China need Western democracy
III. China, Taiwan, US, Europe: Competition or cooperation, independence or independence 5. US Chips and Science Act and European Chips Act
IV: China: Chance or risk 6. The battle of TikTok 7. One belt, one road 8. Automobile industry |